Thursday, March 8, 2018

What Jesus Christ Means to Me: My Healer

As Easter approaches I want to spend a few weeks sharing what the Savior means to me.

He is many things to me, but again and again I discover that He is my healer.

Just the other day something upset me and I knew I needed to feel calm in order to deal with it. Although I didn't exactly feel in the mood to pray, I did it anyway. As I did I sighed, letting go of the pain I was feeling; clenching it tightly, I wouldn't have been able to deal with the problem.

I loosened my grasp on my pain, but where did it go? Did the wrong done me cease to exist? No, it was real, but the Savior had taken it from me. He cares about all those pains! A beautiful passage in the Book of Mormon makes this clear:

And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.
And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.
As I offered what hurt me to the Savior, He took that burden to free me. In that moment He once again healed me. It wasn't the first time. He's healed me when I'm afraid, when I'm weak; He's healed me from physcal aliments and bad habits and wrong thinking. But like the healing He offered me the other day, I have to reach out to Him for it.

His Healing Touch 

With just one touch the Savior healed a blind man’s eyes.
He hushed and stilled a mourning sister’s lonely cries.
A man tormented; Jesus spoke and devils fled.
At Jesus’ touch the dead were raised to live again.

A multitude of hungry mouths-- He fed them all.
The lepers, too, He healed when on His name they called.
The woman who for many years, such suffering bore
When once she had touched Jesus’ cloak, felt pain no more.

Then might I, too, bring  Him my needy, hungering soul?
My broken and my yearning heart--can He make whole?
My heart and eyes and hands and life to Him I’ll give.
If He’ll but touch them, He will heal them-- make me live!

I know that our Savior Jesus Christ has the power to heal every ill, and only awaits our turning to Him. In the simple act of prayer, of turning our thoughts to Him, we begin to access His grace.

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